The University of Georgia’s Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (CET) group provides nationally and internationally recognized translational research in therapeutics and drug development.

May Architecture provided design services for two phases of this significant facility. Phase I houses a large new classroom and seminar rooms featuring state-of-the-art distance learning capabilities. The Center offers multiple meeting places for students and professors to gather, as well as faculty, staff, and administrative offices. During Phase II, May Architecture provided design services to fit-out existing shell space with laboratories for pharmaceutical research.

As the Center is located in Augusta, Georgia, it was important to stakeholders that the Center incorporate aesthetics that visually tie it to the University of Georgia. Thus, the renovated space features a specific and cohesive identity using architectural finishes and signature UGA branding.

  • ClientUniversity of Georgia
  • LocationAugusta, Georgia
  • Project Size16,250 square feet
  • ServicesProgramming, architectural, interior design, and construction administration.